Optical projection and the art of optical illusions as an artistic and aesthetic alternative in design Scenography of the contemporary Iraqi theatrical show


  • Dr. Ahmed Mohsen Kamel


وقائمة المصادر

Research Summary

The technique of light projection and the art of visual deception was one of the plastic techniques and trends that reflected clearly on the construction of scenography as an artistic and aesthetic alternative to the old traditional techniques. Contemporary Iraqi theatrical performance). As for the problem of the research, it ended with the following question (How was optical projection employed with the art of optical deception as an alternative to traditional techniques in order to give the theatrical image a deeper artistic and aesthetic dimension?). The importance of research and the need for it being one of the important topics that deal with technology It contributes effectively to enriching the modern theatrical image with its aesthetic dimension that brings the recipient closer to it, especially as we belong to the era of technological development, which was greatly reflected in the nature of the theatrical image. As for the aim of the research, it was (identifying the technique of optical projection and the art of visual deception as an artistic and aesthetic alternative in designing the scenography of the contemporary Iraqi theatrical show.

or search limits

  Temporally: - 2011 - 2022 AD, spatially: Iraq - Iraq (Baghdad) (The National Theater - Al-Rashid Theater), objectively: Studying the technique of optical projection and the art of visual deception as an artistic and aesthetic alternative in designing the scenography of the contemporary Iraqi theatrical show, and the first chapter ended with defining The most important terms mentioned in the search title.

As for the second chapter, it included the theoretical framework and the resulting indicators.

As for the third chapter, it included the research procedures represented by (the research community - the research sample - the research methodology - the research tool), and the chapter ended with the analysis of the research sample, which is the play (disagreement) directed by Muhannad Hadi and the scenography designer Ali Al-Sudani

As for the fourth chapter, it included the most important results of the research, and the fourth chapter included the conclusions and ended with the most important recommendations, proposals, and a list of sources


