Authorship between the message of content and the openness of meaning in contemporary American ceramics
The tagged research means (composition between the message of content and the openness of meaning in contemporary American ceramics).
In tracking the intellectual, philosophical and critical data that contribute in one way or another to restoring the artistic plastic discourse and its philosophical and critical formats, including its impact on the productions of ceramic forms in general and in the countries of Europe and America in particular. Accordingly, the research was divided into four chapters. The first chapter dealt with the research problem, which It was determined by the following questions: What are the representations of authorship in contemporary ceramics in general and the art of ceramics in European and American countries in particular, while it aimed to identify the representations of authorship in contemporary ceramics. (2020 AD), and the second chapter also included (theoretical framework and previous studies), as it contained three topics, the first of which is: authorship is conceptual, and the second: authorship in criticism, and the chapter ended with the third topic: Approaches to authorship in contemporary ceramics, then the indicators that resulted from the theoretical framework and studies previous.
The third chapter (research procedures), which includes the research community of (20) pottery works, as the number of samples reached (5) as a model, following the analytical descriptive approach.
As for the fourth chapter (results and discussion, conclusions, recommendations, proposals), the most important findings of the research were:
- Synthetic formulations are special capabilities of the creator that transform the contemporary ceramic text from reproducing reality into an added artistic and aesthetic value that seems outside the general linguistic pattern of traditional visual art.
- The systems of authorship that govern the artistic language act as subconscious principles that control the metaphysics behind the scenes of the production of texts and visual structures and direct their meanings to break the horizon of expectation of its audience through the events of shock and surprise.
- The compositional formulations allow combining the imaginary idea with realistic images, as they are more semantic than logical constructive, working on an intellectual level higher than the limited formal level.
- Place is an essential element for any compositional system, so things and events are measured in relation to their spatial position as an attribute transmitted from reality, but they derive existential cosmic connotations through simplified formal compositional formulas.
- The ceramic masterpiece is a comprehensive plastic structure composed of smaller structures that are united by a compositional pattern that generates meanings and interconnections that direct the patterns of multiplicity and diversity of readings according to the vision of each recipient, his personal culture, and his aesthetic sense.
- The alienation of the compositional structures enables the potter to expand the horizons of significance by merging the element of experimentation with alienation and ambiguity as the open text that adds to the realistic form a cognitive dimension to the visual text.
The research also summarizes the conclusions, the most important of which are:
- Authorship is a mental ability that feeds from the symbolic stock of the plastic language, allowing for a diversity of semantic dimensions, so that several artists can process one concept with different compositions, so each artist works depending on his own creative abilities.
- The following context is based on several axes of symmetry. The potter is keen to make them homogeneous and harmonious through technical treatments of shapes, so that they appear as if they are from one world different from the real world.
- Compilations can be read from many sides, so they are called open compilations because of the impact they leave on the recipient and provide the greatest degree of freedom in responding to the work so that it can be reproduced or formulated.
- Synthetic formulations have the ability to reveal or conceal, as they may not talk about tangible realities or material things according to their new meanings that they acquired by entering into the newly created synthetic structures.
The research ended with a list of Arabic and foreign sources, appendices and a summary in English.
Keywords: authorship, openness, contemporary American ceramics.