انتاج الطين الورقي باستخدام عجينة القصب
The research deals with the possibility of using plant residues (papyrus cane) in the production of paper clay, where the cane was ground and added in different proportions with kaolin clay. ) Fold it and it is plastic in the form of a sheet. The results of the cane before cooking were not good and not suitable for formation due to the lack of decomposition of cellulose. As for the results after cooking, they were successful in terms of formation, dryness and burning. The models were burned at a degree (1000 m) for pottery and the glazing was done using ready-made alkaline glass and temperature (960°C). The reed paste was added in different proportions (10-20-30%) with kaolin clay, and the results of (20-30%) were better than the results of (10%) in terms of the ability to form paper, but it was weaker in terms of the strength of the pottery body, and the most important results were
- Paper clay can be produced using only cooked plant residues because cellulose does not decompose with water only, it needs heat