تصميمات مرئية وهيكلية معاصرة لمنتجات التعبئة والتغليف (دراسة تطبيقية)


  • أ.د. فاطمة عبد الله عمران
  • الباحثة : مودة محمد حامد


Abstract :

The current research is summarized by a study (contemporary visual and structural designs), while the current research aims to reach a certain stage of the Fatih, Fatih, Fatih, Fatih, current, and modern eras.

As for the second, the theoretical framework and previous studies, the research included: a study that dealt with the researcher in the first topic (a_the concept, importance and factors affecting the packing_the instruction in the quota in Iraq) as for the carriers affecting the packing_the instruction in Iraq) as for the second outcome (the creative design of packaging and ways to develop it)

Overview of projects, food, and publications that work with the view Acceptance of new designs by experts.

As for the fourth, through the questionnaire, the results were in agreement to some extent with what the researcher presented of new designs for the development of the selected transportations.

  1. There are axes, the axis of creativity, that developed and from this development through trade and its introduction into the traditional ways. Marketing also increases the knowledge of other mistakes of the Iraqi product.
  2. A package can be designed to be used after use or to keep it friendly and beneficial to the recipient in terms of structure, material, both, or even the visual.

But the inquiry is direct

  1. It is possible for some creative designs to consume energy as a backup after using the product as a re-packaging of its structural shape and material suitable for use and recycling.
  2. Designers can take advantage of the development and use it to advance the country’s economy by developing packaging and packaging for the local product in terms of material, structural and visual form, and making it a global product that all mistakes desire.

Keywords : creative designs, typography, structure, packaging, product marketing



