التشفير الرمزي وتمثلاته في الفن الجداري القبطي


  • م. احمد حفظي حسن اللبان



The current research is an attempt to reveal the concept of symbolic coding in Coptic art in its own form, as well as what are the intellectual and aesthetic values   that these codes and symbols carried through the plastic gift of the Egyptian artist?

As Coptic art, with its Christian character and Egyptian originality rooted in the depth of history, is an art of a distinctive nature that combines Pharaonic and early Christianity, through the artist’s affiliation of ancient Egypt to this ancient civilization and that religious belief, which took that large part of the interest of the Egyptian person in particular.

Despite the authoritarian political, religious, and intellectual pressures of that period, the Egyptian man was in the first line of confrontation with all these pressures, so we find that he resorted to ideas, codes, and symbols to be a substitute for texts he wanted to prove. These symbolic codes were not a Christian innovation in this period, but It was a triage of the various events that befell the Roman Empire.

As the current research contained four chapters, the first chapter included the research problem, its importance and the need for it. Where the research problem was identified in investigating the answer to the following question - What are the symbolic ciphers in Coptic art? The goal of the research was determined by shedding light on the plastic and formative aspects of Coptic art, as well as demonstrating and determining the intellectual and aesthetic value of those blades and symbols through the plastic material of the Coptic artist, by revealing some forms of those pictorial blades in art, its methods and formulations in terms of form and content over a period time determined by the limits of the search. As for the limits of the research, they were determined by a group of artworks within the time period of the sixth and seventh centuries AD, as well as defining the terms contained in the title of the current research.

As for the second chapter of the current research, it included the topic of symbolic encryption and its representations in the Coptic wall art, while the third chapter included the research procedures, which are mural pictorial works, which is an intentional sample of (5) models and the research methodology is the descriptive and analytical approach. As for the fourth chapter, it included the results, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions that the researcher reached. Among the results of the current research were:

1-  Despite the importance of Coptic art, it did not receive a sufficient share of study, especially in the field of photography, and despite its importance in achieving the expressive richness of the artistic work, and the field of photography did not go to extremes to benefit from the various images of drama that Coptic art enjoys to produce graphic works.

The research ended with the most important sources in Arabic and English.

Keywords: encryption, symbolic, Coptic


