Intellectual manifestation in conceptual art
The current research dealt with: intellectual manifestations in conceptual art. The research contained four chapters, the first chapter meant (the methodological framework of the research) and it contained the research problem and its importance, which shed light on the intellectual foundations and frameworks, as well as the harmony between the intellectual and philosophical side in the conceptual achievement. As for the aim of the research, it was determined by: identifying intellectual manifestations in conceptual art. As for the limits of the research, they were determined as follows: Spatial limits: America. As for the objective borders: land art, language art, body art, and minimalist art. As for the temporal borders: 1960-1977.
The second chapter dealt with: intellectual foundations in philosophy and art. The third chapter dealt with: intellectual dimensions in the art of modernity and beyond. The fourth chapter: dealt with: intellectual manifestations in contemporary conceptual formation (intellectual applications and interpretations).
As for the fifth chapter, it included a set of results, including:
1- Space is considered a fundamental basis for the intellectual manifestations of the art of conceptual art, as it prepares the ground for the growth of intellectual and moral semantic echoes, emanating from its purely physical existence.
2- Awareness of deconstruction was one of the tools of conceptual art and its field is meaning, the meaning of meaning, understanding, difference and deferment, and its importance comes from the fact that it is a double dialectical reading that always seeks to destroy the meaning based on dichotomies such as the signifier and the signified or presence and absence, in the face of the manifestation of symbols and signs that are generated in The context of its indefinite and endless circulation, as intellectual manifestations manifested in art.
3- The different and disparate social contexts in conceptual art generated types of changing and influencing experiences in the receiving process, such as in land art, language art, body art, and minimalist art, in the face of the disturbance of values in artistic beauty, in favor of the process of endless relationships of text and ideas, and the flow of meanings associated with them.
Then, the researcher reached a set of conclusions, and then a list of sources, references, and a summary of the research in English.
*key words:
Intellectual manifestations / conceptual art