Features of the Body in Contemporary European Sculpture


  • الباحث : قاسم عويد جفيدل
  • أ.د. شوقي مصطفى الموسوي


Abstract :

        The current study, titled (Features of the Body in Contemporary European Sculpture), dealt with the image of the body, which possessed a distinguished presence in contemporary plastic arts in general and the art of sculpture in particular. Thus, the study included four methodological and applied chapters. The first chapter is concerned with the methodological framework of the research, which includes the research problem, its importance, and the need for it, as well as its goal, which is marked by (recognizing the features of the body in contemporary European sculpture), as well as the limits of the research, with defining and defining the terms contained in the title of the current study, leading to the question that ended with the research problem, which is (What are the features of the body in contemporary European sculpture?).

          While the second chapter was concerned with the theoretical framework and previous studies, which included two sections, the first came under the title: (The concept of the body philosophically) and the opinions and statements of philosophers about the image of the body as a concept, while the title of the second topic came: Doctrines of modern art (sculptural characteristics and techniques). The third chapter concerned the research procedures, which included the research community consisting of the works of Spanish sculptors and the research sample, as well as the research methodology and tools, leading to the analysis of some (5) models of sculptural works. While the fourth chapter included many results, conclusions, recommendations and proposals, and the most important of these results:

- The modern sculptor relied on the limits of the image of the body in his sculptural achievement, on the aesthetics of the act of experimentation, abstraction and simplification, due to its synthetic character (material), which was formulated by the modern European sculptor with the awareness of quotation.

- The modern sculptor relied on the ready-made metaphors of the geometric formal elements achieved in the method of assembling the ready-made borrowed materials to show the features.

The research concluded with a list of sources, references and a summary of the study in English.

Keywords: features - the body – sculpture

