Technical Diversity in Postmodernist Plastic Arts Conceptual dimensions


  • Dr. Ala’a Ali Abood
  • Dr. Nashwan Ali Mahdi



     This study is tackles the Technical Diversity in Postmodernist Plastic Arts. The aim of diversity is to create different ways to achieve artistic works and diversify structural and intellectual topics. It is of importance to innovate diversified technologies that establish the basis for an artist to diversify his/her intellectual, procedural and construction directions. Technologies have been diversified in the postmodernist period with the diversity of styles and the raw material used, as well as the mechanisms of their use and development, depending on the pace of technological development. The problem of the study can be defined in providing answers to the following questions: Does the technical diversity provide the methodologies and meanings required to give each a plastic art special features in postmodernism? What are the technical, scientific and industrial transformations in the products of the postmodern artist?

    The first chapter includes the methodological framework. It comprises the aim of the study: define the technical diversity in postmodernist plastic arts; the limits of the study: Europe and the United States, for the period 1950-2017; and the main  terminologies. The second chapter provides the theoretical framework of the study. It contains two topics; the first is the concept and applications of art technologies; and the second topic reviews the postmodernist artistic technologies. The third chapter tackles the study procedures. Intentional sampling is used and five samples are selected. The descriptive methodology and content analysis are used to analyze the samples.

    The fourth chapter includes the results and conclusions of the study, as well as recommendations and suggestions. The main results reached are:

  1. Diversity in using technologies aims to achieve artistic and fine taste values in postmodernist works. The artistic tools of an artist has become his/her varied and changing technologies, such as distillation and printing screen silk, and sprinkling, which are considered easier in used than the brush. Other tools are using caricatures, using letters and open walls. All these technologies and methods reflect the humor and cynicism used by the postmodern artist in their artistic works.
  2. Technical diversity in postmodernist arts has a great effect on achieving artistic and fine taste values through the use of unfamiliar topics and exaggerated plastic representation, open spaces and different colors, including the shoe colors technologies, which has diversity and value enrichment. This is a new technology and artists have started to use the stencil, which uses inscriptions and punched writings on metal plates, as well as the technologies of videos and computers to produce irrational art works.

Key words: Diversity, Technologies, Plastic Arts, Postmodernism

