The uniqueness features in the work of the Korean potters Haijin Lee


  • أ.م. عادل صبري نصار التميمي


Research summary

    The current research focused on the study of (The uniqueness features in the work of the Korean potters  Haijin Lee  ), and it included four chapters, as follows :                                                             

The first chapter (the general framework of the research): it included the research problem that was raised through the following question :What are the feature of uniqueness available in the works Korean potters  Haejin Lee ? The chapter also included the importance and objectives as well as the limits of the research and defining the most important terms contained therein.                                                                                                          

The second chapter (theoretical framework of the research): It contained three topics, as follows :                                                                               

The first topic: the concept of uniqueness (philosophically, psychologically, artistically). The second topic: the determinants of uniqueness in the plastic artwork. The third topic: Korean ceramics  origin and development.                                                                               

Then a review of previous studies and the results of the theoretical framework of indicators .                                                                             

  The third chapter (research procedures): such as the research methodology and procedures, and an explanation of the research community and sample models. And the tool through which the analysis of the sample models was carried out.                                                                       

Chapter Four (Results and Conclusions): A number of results were reached, as follows:                                                                                     

  1-The presence of the Potter's self-vision in reformulating the meaning of the symbols and presenting them as symbols of unique meanings in the formulation and referring to a meaning unique to the Potter's.                     

   2-The method of overlapping and overlapping  gave a unique feature in the form of the form, which is considered as a strange act outside the normal in the embodiment of form and meaning.                                                        

The most important conclusions are   :                                                        

 1-Uniqueness is a subjective condition that the artist makes himself, depending on his personal culture and the extent to which he possesses the faculty of creativity and innovation .                                                     

 2- Conscious thinking outside the traditional frameworks leads the artist to create uniqueness in achievement .                                                                       

Then the recommendations  and proposals were mentioned.                       

Then the research was concluded with references, a list of sources, appendices, and a summary of the research in English.                              

Keywords: features, uniqueness                                                                  


