The Symbolism of the physical performance in Pina Bausch shows The play of the night of the full moon is a model”


  • Amer Muhammed Hussain
  • Zahraa Saleh Mohsen


Keywords: symbolism, performance, body, physical performance.



Body language is the language of societies, as it is used to exchange information without using the language of the tongue. It is stronger than the influence of words. Even after writing, physical gestures remained an important form of communication. In light of this, the research was divided into four chapters. The first included

(the methodological framework) for the research, starting with the problem that ended with the following question: Is the symbol's form a major indication in Pina Bausch's performances at the level of the body? The study aimed to know the symbolism of physical performance in the performances of Pina Bausch. This chapter also included (the limits of the research) that were determined in time (1975-2008) and spatially (Germany, America). The chapter concluded by defining the terms and defining them linguistically, idiomatically and procedurally The second chapter focused on the (theoretical framework), which included two sections about me, the first section studying symbolism and concepts. The second is about studying the physical performance in the world show. At the conclusion of the theoretical framework, then addressing the resulting indicators The third chapter (research procedures) is represented by the research community and its sample, which were chosen in an intentional way. As for the analysis tool, the indicators that resulted from the theoretical framework were used and the descriptive (analytical) approach was used. While the fourth chapter included the research results as well as conclusions, recommendations and suggestions. The research concluded with the most important sources and references.

Keywords: symbolism, performance, body, physical performance.


