The effect of hypermedia (hypermedia) in developing attention and focusing attention of theatrical actors


  • Researcher / Dr. Ahmed Kazem Mansoor


Keywords: hypermedia, attention, concentration of attention.



The research consisted of four chapters. The first chapter dealt with the methodological framework of the research, including the research problem, which was summarized by the question (What is the impact of the use of ultra-interfering media in developing attention and focusing attention for theatrical actor?), and it also included the importance of the research and the need for it, the research objective and its limits, and defining terminology. The second chapter is the theoretical framework, which included two sections. The first section included (hypermedia interfering media: their characteristics - contents - stages of preparation) and the second topic included (attention and concentration of attention). As for the third chapter, it included the research procedures, the population and the sample, in addition to the research tool, its methodology, and the analysis of the sample. The fourth chapter contains results, conclusions, sources and references.

Keywords: hypermedia, attention, concentration of attention.

