The Effectiveness of Light Techniques in Showing The Fourth Dimension of Contemporary Design


  • Lecturer: Ruaa MuhammadAli Talib Alsharea كلية الفنون الجميلة جامعة بابل


Keywords: (techniques - light - the fourth dimension - contemporary design)



     This research is concerned with studying the effectiveness of light techniques in showing the fourth dimension of contemporary design. It includes four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to explaining the problem of the research, its importance, its goal,



and its limits, as well as defining the most important terms contained in it.

     The research problem focused on the effectiveness of light techniques in demonstrating the fourth dimension of contemporary design, specifically those that have a direct relationship to contemporary light-based designs and their effective effects and techniques for displaying the fourth dimension. From this, the research challenge developed with the following question:-

-To what extent does the effectiveness of the use of light techniques affect the manifestation of the fourth dimension of contemporary design products?

    The importance of the current research lies in the fact that it addresses the drivers of the technical impact of light through the determinants of the communication relationships between the designed form and its content and investigates the reflection of the technological and digital dimensions on the production of contemporary designs according to the diversity of their light manifestations. The current research is crucial in understanding the contexts of displaying the fourth dimension of contemporary designs, considering aesthetic compatibility with optical technologies, and reshaping the visual landscape of design within contemporary digital requirements. The research has a goal of identifying the effectiveness of light techniques to show the fourth dimension in contemporary design. The limits of the research include three aspects: (a) Objectivity: which was represented by studying the effectiveness of light techniques in showing the fourth dimension of contemporary designs executed using certain types of lamps on glass material, (b) Temporal: (2011-2019), and (c) Spatial: (America - England). The second chapter, which is the theoretical framework, contains two sections. The first section dealt with the nature of light, its characteristics, and its techniques, while the second section dealt with the fourth dimension in design. The theoretical framework ended with a set of indicators. The third chapter dealt with research procedures. The fourth chapter dealt with the research results, conclusions, recommendations, and proposals.

Keywords: (techniques - light - the fourth dimension - contemporary design)


