Symbolic metaphor in European painting (Van Gogh as a Sample)


  • Student: Fazara Kadem Karim Turkhan
  • Supervisor: Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Nawab


key words: 1 - The metaphor. 2- Symbol 3- Drawing 4- Van Gogh.


The current research is astudy of (Symbolic metaphor in European painting (Van Gogh as a Sample) ,Examining the artworkis no longer just an image, or a vision of the material, or the means that produced the image, but rather that all the available means and capabilities that the artist uses from nature and even the vulgar,The marginalized can compose an artistic discourse that is no longer linked to the recording or purely realistic approach, just as these productions focus on themselves and on their creativity process in light of their performance and therapeutic nature on the one hand, and focus on objective reality, life and the world on the other hand. Plastic art will give us a lot. Of the vocabulary and means that make the metaphor a rich means that prompts the recipient and the artist to study thecomponents of the painting with its various plastic elements and what gives us the secrets of the expressive visual language, and accordingly the research included four chapters:- The first chapter contained 1-the research problem, 2- the importance and need for research, 3 - The aim of the research. 4 - Definition of terms.As for the second chapter, the theoretical framework, it contained two sections: The first was represented in the first topic (metaphor in rhetorical history, and the second topic: symbol in ar The third chapter included research procedures, then the fourth chapter included research results, proposals and recommendations, and the research also included Sources and margins.

key words: 1 - The metaphor. 2- Symbol 3- Drawing 4- Van Gogh.

