السمات التعبيرية لخزف الخليج العربي المعاصر


  • Shymia Abbas Abboud
  • .Dr Ali Ghadban sugar


The research summary:                      

      The current research dealt with the topic (the expressive features of contemporary       Arabian Gulf ceramics) .The research focused on a study contents and ideas and how

       To apply them to ceramic works of contemporary art. The research contained four chapters. The first was concerned with the methodogical  framework of the research . represented  by the research  problem , which is determined  by the following question .what  are the expressive  features of contemporary Arabian Gulf ceramics  ?

  The chapter also included  the importance of  research and the  need for  it  , and the goal of the research , which is (to identify the expressive features of contemporary Arab Gulf ceramics ). While the limits of research  were limited to studying the works of sheep within  the time period ( 2000-2020) ,specifically in Saudi Arabia , Kuwait  and Yemen , the first chapter ended by defining the most important terms included in the research. As for the second chapter,it contained tow sections representing the theoretical framework and indiscators. The first section dealt with: the structure of expressionism in plastic art between concept  and application and the second: traces of beauty in contemporary Gulf ceramics, which included Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and yemen. As for the third chapter: it included research porcedures by defining the research population and its representative sample and ending with an anaiysis of the research sample of (3) as a model of artistic works by potters from Saudi Arabia Kuwait and yemen this is in addition to the research tool that took the indicators of the


theoretical framework as abasis in its formulation    the forth chapter included a number of results and conclusions as well as recommendations and propsals the research included sources and was one of the most prominent results of the research  most gulf potters tended towards emphasizing two values in the ceramic work : aesthetics and expessiveness though from and elements of composition and this is what appeared in all aspects of the resesearch                                                                                                                                                                                        

