Sculptural embodiment of Iraqi occasion medals
Sculptural, medals ,national ,occasions))Abstract
The medal has great importance in contemporary life aspects, as it is considered a visual identity that embodies a certain idea related to society. It is a message with a meaning related to a certain goal .Its construction is through shapes, letters, words or linear elements. The medal has symbolic connotations that excite the recipient, and affect his sensory and mental perception in a distinctive structural and artistic style.
In this research, the researcher seeks to present proposed sculptural models for medals for Iraqi national occasions. This study included four chapters. The first chapter included the general framework of the research, which included the research problem, which was summarized in the question of how to embody Iraqi national occasions through the art of medals? The importance of the research and the need for it came through the importance of the topic that links art and society. The art of medals is one of the effective human activities in society as it addresses and embodies social issues, and thus the importance of the research emerges through its representation of medals that represent a value for humans and society, which are Iraqi national occasions. In addition to its aesthetic and functional aspect, as it represents a memorial document and a motivational factor that appears in honoring individuals or immortalizing occasions that take upon themselves excellence and creativity. The aim of the research is to design and implement proposed sculptural medal models for Iraqi national occasions.
The second chapter is the theoretical framework and previous studies. The theoretical framework included two topics. The first topic dealt with the concept of the medal and the process of its formation, and the second topic dealt with a historical induction of the art of the medal. Then the researcher discussed a group of previous studies that are related to the current study.
The third chapter included the research procedures in which the researcher determined the research methodology, which is the descriptive methodology with regard to analyzing the sample models, and the research community which included all Iraqi national occasions, as well as the research sample, which was determined in 3 models randomly selected from the community, then the research tools, followed by analyzing the research sample models. The fourth chapter included the results and their discussion, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions. The research results included:
- The researcher focused on the subject of simplification and reduction in the design of his proposed sculptural models for Iraqi national occasion medals.
- The researcher worked on highlighting aesthetic and cognitive connotations in the design of the sculptural medals.
- The circular medal has great importance in the design process, as it helps in integration, connection and continuity.