The aesthetics of Arabic calligraphy in museum design (Museum of the Future as a model)


  • Researcher: Zahraa Nabil Hameed
  • Researcher: Sudad Hisham Hameed


Keywords: Beauty, Arabic calligraphy, design, interior spaces, museum of the future.



     The current research is concerned with the aesthetic of Arabic calligraphy in the design of museum interiors, which identified the following question for its research problem, which is (What is the aesthetic importance of Arabic calligraphy in the design of museum spaces?)The importance of the research was also determined as (adding knowledge and highlighting the aesthetic reflection of Arabic calligraphy in the design of museum interior spaces as a model, which opens up areas of knowledge for researchers to benefit from the research), which is embodied through the goal of the research, which was defined as (revealing the aesthetic and functional reflection of Arabic calligraphy in the design of the interior space of museums), and a case study represented by the Museum of the Future in the State of Dubai / United Arab Emirates as a model. As well as defining terms with linguistic and terminological definitions. It also identified several axes that dealt with aesthetic and functional concepts that contribute to the reflection of Arabic calligraphy in museums, and the most important formal organizations of museums that contribute to highlighting Arabic calligraphy and Arabic letters. The descriptive approach was used in the analysis of the research sample represented by the Museum of the Future in Dubai and concluded the research with the results and recommendations.

Keywords: Beauty, Arabic calligraphy, design, interior spaces, museum of the future.

