The role of the art education curriculum to deepen and consolidate the spirit of citizenship for primary school students


  • Atheer lateef kadhlm


Key words: Art education   Citizenship




The curriculum is educational outcomes or outcomes that we seek to achieve for students with the subject (history, mathematics, science, music, art, geography...etc) and present them in schools. It is related to the system of delivering educational experiences and teaching methods. This means that if we have learning outcomes or outcomes that we want to achieve and we have information about the nature of the students we deal with, then we have to determine which teaching strategies are most effective in achieving these outcomes with these students, and curriculum design is defined as organizing the objectives and content and arranging this content in an appropriate manner. for the learner. Some believe that the term curriculum design refers to the elements of the curriculum and the relationships between those elements.

Some education scholars pointed out that the curriculum design refers to the arrangement of the learning outcomes to be achieved in light of the objectives, and also refers to the arrangement of learning experiences and the development of a plan to provide learners with these experiences. Accordingly, we say that designing the curriculum means the content and elements of the curriculum and the organization of those elements, that is, the organization of the parts of the curriculum. The state has authority over the educational system and curriculum, what should be taught in schools and what policies and practices are taken regarding curricula to deepen and consolidate the spirit of citizenship for students.Hence, the educational curriculum had to emphasize the preparation of individuals and build their skills to keep pace with the rapid changes and its principles, and the teacher, as the main decisive pillar in the extent of the success of the efforts of the education process in shaping the attitudes of individuals and their outlook on life, comes at the heart of the system of interacting elements in the education process. Hence the frantic race to develop educational systems in a comprehensive way to keep pace with the changes that this world is witnessing. And education means changing the behavior of the learner. Art education is education in its broadest sense, which is to change the behavior of the learner by training students on what benefits them of skills and habits, providing them with information and concepts, and giving them tendencies and directions through the practice of art to consolidate patriotism among students.

Key words: Art education   Citizenship


